African Orphanage

African Orphanage

Our Project of Creating an Orphanage

Africa, our continent, appears to be a radically concerning phenomenon. African society is subjected to a descripting plaque. Her policy, her economy, her culture, and her morals and customs put at stake our consciousness. The population is victims of all the known plagues. Worse than ever, death, mainly caused by aids, political and social troubles, and any kind of civil war, creates disorder that improves orphans on every day that God gives. These orphans in the future will be forsaken, as the parents were almost destroyed by the irresistible death. Anxious to give help to these orphans, a man of God born the idea that was supported by the church executive committee. The aim is to produce a fetus in gestation.

A Reflection and Achievement Committee consisting of seven members is elected for this purpose (it is attached with the minutes).

This committee is assigned to:

  • Study the project
  • Look for a concession
  • Design plans
  • Estimate the cost of achievement
  • Look for financing

The objectives defined by the church executive committee were transmitted to the reflection and achievement committee to serve as consulting documents. It is presented as follows:

Our aim is to create a system capable of receiving one thousand (1 000) orphans coming from the sub-region (TOGO-BENIN-GHANA-BURKINA FASO) or even from other countries outside ECOWAS. This centre will be built in TOGO and really in the coastal region. The center will have as assignment lodging, feeding and education of the registered children. It will also take into account their spiritual training, whose goal is to insert them into evangelized works of all the nations, as foreseeing in Matthew 24:14.

The reflection and achievement committee is also on duty to conceive in few months documents necessary to achieve the project.

Descriptive Aspects of the Project

Identification sheet of the project:

Designation: New Life Christian Orphanage International, Inc.
Region: Coastal
Province: Yoto
Town: Tabligbo
Site of the project: Thekpo-Dedekpoe (at 21 kmin tge west-south area of Tabligbo)
Beneficiary: All orphans by father or mother or by both, citizens of ECOWAS countries.

Creator: New Life Ministries International, Inc., and represented by an executive committee
Address: P.O. BOX 14162-LOME/TOGO
Person to contact: KOUDEKA K. VINCENT, the project reporter, Bank employee, responsible for private clients, BTCI,

Reference Persons*:

  • Pastor ALO N'KOAGNO Enoch
  • Senior Pastor and Vice Chairman
  • New Life Ministries International, Inc.
  • Chairman of Reflection and Achievement Committee of the Project
  • P.O. BOX14162
  • Lome, Togo


228.227-0912 or 228.946-6536

Mr. ALLAGBE Kokou Bayedje

  • Vice President of the Reflection and Achievement Committee of the Project,
  • teacher at grammar school
  • Ministry of school planning
  • former parliament

Cell phone: 228.902.8020

Manager of the project: Pastor ALO N'KOAGNO Enoch

Acting Administration: Reflection and executing committee of seven (07) members consisting of

  • 1 Chairman
  • 1 Vice-chairman
  • 1 Secretary reporter
  • 1 Vice secretary reporter
  • 1 Treasurer general
  • 1 Vice treasurer general
  • 1 Adviser

The Project Objectives

Having a center of one thousand (1 000) capacity for receiving children of both sexes and lodging and feeding them.

  • Take care of their education and their intellectual and spiritual training until the end of grammar school.
  • Fight for their insertion into the well-known colleges and universities.
  • Initiate them also to evangelization work.

Forecast infrastructures:
We intend to equip the center with the following:

  • 1 head office
  • 1 lodging room and dwelling room
  • 2 dormitories (1 dormitory for boys and 1 for girls)
  • 1 dining hall
  • 1 school building consisted of the three (03) degrees of learning (from nursery to the end of the grammar school)
  • 1 amphitheater or entertainment room of 800 to 1 000 seats capacity
  • 1 Library
  • 1 infirmary with at least 10 beds and consisting of a waiting room , a room of consultation and nursing room .
  • 1 church of 1000 to 1500 seats capacity
  • 1 planning compound for various games (football, handball, basketball, and so on)
  • Sanitary equipment's teachers room

Delay of execution: to be extended on over 8-year period, of which 40 to 50% should be achieved during the first two years.

  • Total amount of the project: estimates about $953000 equal to FCFA 700 000 000
  • Local contribution: $ 19 060 equal to FCFA 140 000 000 (it includes acquisition of the concession and design of plans, supply of sand and gravel wood and employment of the local manpower).

Financing required: $933940 equal to FCFA 560 000 000

Bank Domiciliation: BTCI, 169 Bd du 13 Janvier, B.P: 363, LOME TOGO, Account number+..

Sources of financing:

Foreseen sources:

  • Christian organization or associations
  • Churches (free donations)
  • Non governmental organizations ( NGO)
  • Government and public entities
  • United Nations Organization

Minute of Election of the Project Committee

The meeting was announced to the parish committees of all parish locations of New Life Ministries International, Inc., in Lome, Togo. At this meeting, after the opening prayer, the members debated a very important subject on the agenda and that was the idea to promote an orphanage. The idea was inspired by Divine inspiration and presented by the ministry Pastor received agreement of all the participants after a heated and long debate. Reflection and Achievement Committee of seven (07) members has been installed and was composed of Ministers:

  • Chairman: Pastor David Pope
  • President and Deputy Chairman: ALO N'KOAGNO Enoch
  • Vice President: ALAGBE Kokou Bayedje
  • Secretary Reporter: KOUDEKA K. A. Vincent
  • Vice Secretary Reporter: AYEDJE Kokou Mawunyo
  • Treasurer General: Ahsou Yawovi
  • Vice Treasurer General: Mrs. LAWSON Francine
  • Adviser: SOUNOU Yaovi

This committee was assigned to mature the project, to look for a concession in the coastal region of the country, to conceive plans and to look for financing sources. It was also assigned the opening of a bank account at BTCI that will be collegially managed by the chairman, the treasurer general and the secretary reporter. The meeting opened at 9: 15 am and closed at 1 :45 pm.

Presentation of Motives of Creating an Orphanage in Lome, Togo

Anxious about the insufficiency or existence of structures that manage scholar and social education of orphans in the sub-region, including TOGO-BENIN-GHANA-BURKINA FASO, New Life Ministries International, Inc., in Lome has decided to initiate a project of an orphanage in the province of Yoto in Togo on the coastal region.

The objectives foreseen by the church executive committee are as follows:

  • Inventory of orphans in the sub-region that represent social cases and who arise problem of human behavior
  • Insure lodging of the orphans enregistered
  • Insure their feeding
  • Take care of their intellectual professional and spiritual training
  • Facilitate their social integration
  • Insert them into works of evangelization

Considering these rich objectives and according to the detailed description of the various structuration of the project, the cost is estimated at $953,000,  equal to FCFA 700,000. More over, New Life Ministries International, Inc., is the association that is responsible for conceiving and achieving projects.

Lome, 4th July 2001

Pastor Alo N'KOAGNO Enoch, President and Vice Chairman
New Life Ministries International, Inc.
Chairman of the Reflection and Achievement Committee

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